Synthetic Crude Oil Preparation and Simulation of the Industrial Distillation of Crude Oil


  • Falade AA Department of Minerals and Petroleum Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti.
  • Oke OO Department of Minerals and Petroleum Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti.


Chemicals, Crude Oil, Distillation, Fractions, Laboratory and Synthetic Crude


Synthetic Crude oil Preparation by laboratory means is necessary as process description analysis is concerned. This is deemed fit as the conventional crude oil is carcinogenic as regards usage in the laboratory. This crude oil alternative(Synthetic crude) is produced from proportions of liquid paraffin, paraffin oil, white spirit,4ml petroleum ether subjected at two various temperature conditions(800C&1000C)and 6ml of petroleum ether at 600C. This article presents results of the various fractions of crude oil alternatives(synthetic crude) generated when distillation takes place. It is an approach to simulate the industrial fractional distillation of crude oil. The results from laboratory procedure from distillation process shows four fractions obtained ;product A derived at room temperature, product B derived at (100-1500C),Product C derived at (1502000C)and Product D derived at (200-2500C).The Four fractions were tested for viscosity, colour, smell and flammability. This article analyzes understanding how we obtain chemicals from Crude Oil.

How to cite this article: Falade AA, Oke OO. Synthetic Crude Oil Preparartion and Simulation of the Industrial Distillation of Crude Oil. J Adv Res Qual Control Mgmt 2017; 2(2): 35-37.


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How to Cite

AA, F., & OO, O. (2017). Synthetic Crude Oil Preparation and Simulation of the Industrial Distillation of Crude Oil. Journal of Advanced Research in Quality Control & Management, 2(2), 35-37. Retrieved from