Effect of Electronic Hedonic Service Quality (e-SHQ) On Pleasure, Arousal and Eudaimonic Well-Being; An Empirical Analysis



The critical analysis of extant literature regarding service quality shows that though there has been sufficient literature on electronic service quality (e-SQ), the studies based on the hedonic and experiential dimensions are overlooked and limited. So this study conceptually proposes one construct called electronic hedonic service quality (e-SHQ) after extensive scanning of extant literature. This study develops one conceptual framework of relationships based on e-SHQ and its positive emotional outcomes like pleasure and arousal and psychological outcomes like eudaimonic well-being. The proposed model is empirically tested using field data collected from online consumers. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling techniques were applied and the result exhibited strong and positive impact of e-SHQ on its outcomes like pleasure, arousal and eudaimonic well-being.

How to cite this article:
Rasheed K. Effect of Electronic Hedonic Service Quality (e-SHQ) on Pleasure, Arousal and Eudaimonic Well-Being; An Empirical Analysis. J Adv Res Qual Control Mgmt 2021; 6(1): 9-14.


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How to Cite

K, R. . (2021). Effect of Electronic Hedonic Service Quality (e-SHQ) On Pleasure, Arousal and Eudaimonic Well-Being; An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Advanced Research in Quality Control & Management, 6(1), 9-14. Retrieved from https://www.adrjournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-QualityControl-Mgt/article/view/1256