The Human Footprint on Earth: Accelerating Erosion and Sediment Transport


  • Pradeep Kumar Student, Bhagwan Mahavir University , Surat, Gujarat.


Erosion Control, Sustainable Land Management, Afforestation, Green Infrastructure, Environmental Stewardship, Mitigation Strategies


This comprehensive review delves into the intricate relationship between human activities and the accelerated processes of erosion and sediment transport, unveiling the far-reaching consequences of the global human footprint on Earth’s surface dynamics. By examining the multifaceted impacts of agricultural practices, urbanization, construction activities, mining, deforestation, and climate change, the article provides a nuanced understanding of how these activities collectively contribute to the intensification of erosion and sediment transport. Beyond highlighting the challenges posed by human-induced environmental transformations, the review also explores potential mitigation strategies and sustainable practices that could alleviate the pressures on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. As societies grapple with the imperative to balance development with environmental conservation, this review aims to contribute to a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness between human actions and the delicate equilibrium of the Earth’s natural processes.


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