Supercomputers Help In COVID-19


  • Himani Rajendra Salvi Research Scholar, MCA Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development and Research (TIMSCDR) Mumbai University , Maharashtra, India
  • Rishabh Subhash Mehta Research Scholar, MCA Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development and Research (TIMSCDR) Mumbai University , Maharashtra, India


Summit, COVID-19, Supercomputer, GPU, Molecular Docking, Drugs


The earnest quest for medications to battle COVID-19 has incorporated the utilization of supercomputers. The utilization of advancements like universally useful graphical preparing units (GPUs), huge parallelism, new programming for elite registering (HPC) has permitted investigated to look for the huge synthetic space of potential medications quicker. Another medication conveyance pipeline was created utilizing Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory with the assistance of arising stages which use GPUs and permit virtual screening of potential medication compounds in no time. This exertion will speed up the way toward creating medications to battle the current COVID-19 pandemic.

How to cite this article:
Salvi HR, Mehta RS. Supercomputers Help in COVID-19. J Adv Res Comp Graph Multim Tech 2021; 3(1): 12-16.


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